If You Find A Bear, Leave It Alone

Biologists at the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission remind North Carolinians that if they find a bear den to leave it alone.

Black bears are very resourceful in finding places to shelter late December through April as cold weather lingers and cubs are born. Dens may be found in rock cavities, brush piles, tree cavities, excavations under fallen trees, ground nests, under decks and in crawl spaces. As a result, you may stumble upon a bear den anytime time you are outdoors, whe­ther hiking, working in your yard, cutting fire­wood or enjoying outdoor activities.

This month, a momma bear and her cubs were confirmed in a den on one of the Wild­life Commission’s game lands.

“A hiker came upon a log pile pushed up to clear a field and the squeaking sounds of cubs,” described Danny Ray, a wildlife biologist. “The hiker left the area immediately and called me. Thanks to his response, the bear family was not disturbed and remained peace­fully in the den.”

If you find a den, either on your property or on public property, do not panic. Colleen Olfenbuttel, the Commission’s black bear and furbearer biologist, advises to leave the area quickly and quietly and to not disturb the den for the rest of the winter season. If the den is under your deck, shed, or crawlspace, leave the area and call the NC Wildlife Helpline at 866-318-2401 or contact your district wildlife biologist for further guidance. In almost all cases, homeowners can safely co-exist with the bear until it leaves the den in the spring.