Numbers To Call

Automated Windtalker (Jordan temp & wind conditions), 919-387-5969. Provides only time and temp. Check triangle­ website for wind conditions.
FAA Weather Briefing, 800-992-7433.
Marina, 919-387-7011.
State Parks Office (Jordan), 919-362-0586.
Corps of Engineers Office (Jordan), 919-542-4501 or 919-542-2227.
Lake Level, 919-542-4501, press 1.
To report wildlife violations, 800-662-7137 or 919-662-4381.
Fishing/Hunting License Info, 888-248-6834.
Boating Info, 800-628-3773.
Any Emergency, 911.
Chatham County Sheriff/EMS, 919-542-2811.
Highway Patrol, 800-662-7956, 733-3681 or *HP (cell).
N.C. State Parks website:
Corps of Engineers website:
Haw River Assembly, 919-542-5790, website:
Clean Jordan Lake,