Inclusive Park Work Starts

The Community Center Park playground in Chapel Hill is closed as construction began on renovations to make it  inclusive for all to play. The work area is across the driveway from the area fenced off that has contaminated soil.

All parks have to be ADA accessible and an inclusive playground goes steps further, allowing children of all abilities to play with their peers regardless of their abilities or disabilities—physical, social or cognitive needs. Sensory elements and other new features will be added.

Barrs Recreation of Pittsboro has the contract. The town allocated $785,000 in ARPA funds to add inclusive elements to existing city playgrounds ($285,000) and additional funds ($500,000) for inclusive playground equipment at the Community Center. The pro­ject is expected to be finished this summer.

In Carrboro, Baldwin neighborhood park playground equipment on Broad Street is being replaced. The park is closed for upgrades until June. The new design will feature a main play structure catering to children ages 2-5 and 6-12 years old, with inclusive elements incorporated to enhance accessibility for all users. Barrs is doing the project.