Lisa Porterfield of Chapel Hill was first 50-59 at Triple Lake Trail HM in Greensboro (201). WT was 2:01:22.
Kristine Burnot of Hillsborough third 40-49, 7:21:10, and Andy Madden, Mebane, second 50-59, 7:02:47 in the M (56). WTs were 3:30:07 and 3:54:19.
In the 40 Miler, Richard Kesseli, Hillsborough, was third male, 6:43:33 (52). WT was 6:37:52. Avery Mathias, Chapel Hill, was the women’s winner, 6:43:58. Andrew Barrett, Chapel Hill, was first 50-69, 8:31:19.