Upcoming NC Distance Races

March 22

Zen Squirrel Trail Run 10m/5m/2m trail, Briar Chapel, Chapel Hill, 9 a.m., runsign­up .com.
Pirate 10m / 4m / Double­Down 14m, Greenville, 7:45am, pirate10miler.com/register.
Assault on Black Rock Trail Race, 7m, Sylva, 9 a.m., ultrasignup.com by 3/21.
Badwater Cape Fear 51m/ 50K, Bald Head Island, 7:45 a.m., runsignup.com.
Blackbeard’s Revenge 100 Ultra & Relay, 100M/100K, Corolla, 5:30 a.m., runsignup.com. Live & Virtual.
5th Cliffs of the Neuse Trail Run & Hike, 50K/8m/4m, trail, Seven Springs, 9:30 a.m., run­signup.com.
Lake Norman HM Wild­man/5K, Mooresville, 7:30am, runsignup.com. Live & Virtual.

March 23

Cary Greenways HM/6,6m/ 5K, Bond Park, Cary, 8 a.m., runsignup.com.

March 29

7th Craft Beer HM/5m, Bal­lantyne Place, Charlotte, 7:45 a.m., runsignup.com. Live & Virtual.
Hanging Rock 8 HR Adv Race, Danbury, 8:30 a.m., runsignup.com.
Only Fools Run HM/10K/ 5K, Greensboro, 8 a.m., runsignup.com.

April 5

Catamount Climb HM/5K, WCU, Cullowhee, 8 a.m., run­signup.com.
New South Trail M/HM, Whitewater Center, Charlotte, 8 a.m., whitewater.org/race/new-south-trail-m.
Sledgehammer HM 10K/ 5K, North Topsail Beach, 8am, runsignup.com. Live & Virtual.
30th Umstead Endurance 50m/100m Trail Run, Umstead SP, Raleigh, 100endurance.org.

April 6

CraftHM/5K, Winston-Sa­lem, 8:30 a.m., runsignup.com.

April 12

6th High 5 at Hanging Rock, 11m/5m trail, Danbury, 8 a.m., runsignup.com.
6th N.C. Spring Classic 16K /8K/5K, Holly Springs, 7:15 a.m., runsignup.com by 4/9.
12th Run Sunset Dog HM/ 10K/5K, 6:45 a.m., runsignup.com. Live & Virtual.

April 13

MST 12m/50K Challenge, Blue Jay Point CP, Raleigh, 7 a.m., runsignup.com.
Flying Pirate HM/5K, Wright Brothers National Monument, Kill Devil Hills, itsyourrace.com.

April 19

Tar Heel 10m/4m/Double­Down14m Chapel Hill, 7:45am, tarheel10miler.com/registration.
Charlotte RaceFest HM/ 10K/Relay, South Park Mall, Charlotte,, 7:30 a.m., runsignup .com.
Weymouth Woods 25K/ 50K trail, Southern Pines. 8 a.m., runsignup.com.

April 25-26

Smoky Mountain Relay, 208m, Brevard to Greenville SC, 6/9/12 person teams, smo­kymountainrelay.com.

April 26

Tobacco Road Relay, 75m, Chapel Hill to Raleigh, runsignup.com.
Owls Roost Rumble HM/ 4m trail, Greensboro, 7:30 a.m., runsignup.com.
Tuck Fest HM/5K, Char­lotte Whitewater Center, 8 a.m., tuckfest.whitewater.org.
Wake Forest Historic Half/ 3m, Wake Forest, 7:30 a.m., fsseries.com.

April 27

Philosopher’s Way Trail Run 10m/7K, Carolina North Forest, Chapel Hill, 8 a.m., runsignup.com.
Ocracoke Island HM, 7am, runsignup.com (5K/10K Sat 8 a.m.)